
About Advanced Ankle and Foot Center

Podiatry located in Columbus, GA

Treatment of the skin of the foot with tools.

Welcome to our practice

At the office of Advanced Ankle and Foot Center, John Schoppe, DPM, and his team of experts provide exemplary foot, ankle, and leg care. 

The practice offers a wide range of podiatry and podiatric surgery services for patients of all ages in Columbus, Georgia.

Dr. Schoppe and his team specialize in conditions like heel pain, plantar fasciitis, hammertoe, bunions, fungal infections, painful corns and calluses, diabetic foot, arthritic foot, pediatric foot care, and other standard foot and ankle problems. 

They also diagnose and treat sports injuries like Achilles tendon tears, strains, sprains, and fractures.

Advanced Ankle and Foot Center recommends conservative treatments to most patients before considering podiatric surgery. These include splinting, taping, strapping, bracing, medication, physical therapy, and shoe inserts (custom-fitted orthotics). 

Dr. Schoppe and the team always take a conservative approach because they understand that many foot and ankle problems can be treated successfully this way.

Combining many years of experience with innovative modern technology, Dr. Schoppe works with each patient to resolve their foot and ankle problems, help them enjoy pain-free living, and return to the activities they love.

Call Advanced Ankle and Foot Center to learn more and schedule a consultation. Or request an appointment online today for outstanding podiatry services.